Cost Comparison: Tanning
Bed vs. Custom Spray Tan
Tanning Bed Salon
Cost of Tanning - Basic Unlimited Tan Package $30/month (at
the cheapest). Locally, the tanning
salon shows $60/month for Level 1 Unlimited tanning!!!
Cost of Gas - Assuming you go at least 20 times during the
month at 5 miles (round trip) = 100 miles/month from home and say you get about
25 mi to the gallon and gas is at $3.40: about $14/month
Cost of Tanning
Lotion - $45/month (and that isn't even
the good stuff).....and it probably won't last an entire month!
Cost of Moisturizing Lotion - $10/month to help your dried
out skin from the tanning bed
Cost of your Time - Takes about 16 hours of your time out of
your week going to and from the salon, waiting for your turn, putting on
lotion, spending an average of 15 minutes in the tanning bed, dressing and
driving back home. $0/month, but look at all the time you've wasted!
Total Cost: $99.00 (based on above low end rates)
Real Cost: $125 + potentially more due to the long term
affects of tanning beds.
Now compare this to WestCoast Mobile Tanning service.
A custom spray tan as low as FREE when you host a tan party. But lets say you decide on a single mobile session.
You Pay $40 (decide to do it twice a month = $80)
$0 cost in gas
Bonus: You never even
have to leave home, it takes only 15 minutes of your day, you get a perfect tan
look immediately that can last 7 to 10 days if properly maintained!!
Just regular moisturizing lotion to help maintain the
sunless tan $5/month.
Total Cost (with 2 perfect sunless tans) $85.00.
Or you decide to throw a fabulous TAN PARTY, invite 5
friends and get your tan FREE. A great fun experience that everyone will love
and remember.
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