Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tan beds banned by 2015

WOW!  News article out of Australia.  With everything going on in the world today in regards to tanning and health care, I see this eventually happening here in the states!!  So glad I changed my habits over 5 years ago.  Not only for myself, but for the sake of my kids and family!  Wake up everybody, we are in 2012 now....tanning beds are OUT and Spray Tanning is IN!  It's a new year, why not make a NEW YOU!

Welcome to the New Era in Tanning - WestCoast Tanning Co.

Article Below:

The State Government will ban UV sun beds by 2015.

Environment Minister Robyn Parker said there was mounting evidence that the use of sunbeds was associated with an increased risk of melanoma at any age.

“Solaria use is associated with a range of skin cancers, including melanoma, which is the most life threatening form of skin cancer and the most common form of skin cancer among 15 to 39-year-olds,” Ms Parker said.

“The International Agency for research on Cancer has increased the classification for solaria to ‘carcinogenic to humans’ and this places solaria in the same category of risk of harm to humans as asbestos.

“Sadly, Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and this ban is long overdue.”

Ms Parker said the new laws totally banning commercial solaria tanning units in NSW will be effective from 31 December 2014.

“All the data shows that the Australian health system spends more money on the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer than on any other cancer.

Ms Parker said that recent advice provided by health authorities indicated that the level of skin cancer risk associated with solaria use is higher than previously understood.

“The risk is particularly heightened when solaria users are younger than 35 years and using tanning units to obtain a cosmetic tan is just not worth the risk,” Ms Parker said.

The Minister said the Government would look at ways to support the industry by helping with the safe disposal of tanning units and by assisting the industry reposition and diversify their businesses.

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