Sunday, May 22, 2011

WestCoast Tanning Co. - A Mobile Spray Tanning Service

We invite everyone here in Great Falls, to check out our website,, and feel free to send us a message or call if you have any questions!  WestCoast Tanning Co.  started "officially" back in 2008 in San Antonio, TX.  In our 3 years in San Antonio, we built a wonderful clientele (we really miss you guys), including competitors in body building and beauty pageants. 

Due to a military PCS move, we have now arrived in Great Falls...........and we love it!  We would like to introduce our unique service to everyone here. 

Spray tanning is growing in popularity due to numerous reasons, one of the most obvious is the fact that it is the only way to tan safely.  We are not here to tell you not to go out in the sun, or lay out by the pool, or even use tanning beds......but we do want you to understand the dangers and be smart when it comes to tanning.  If you are a tanner, a professional spray tan can compliment your already existing tan, help even it out, creating a smoother looking tan, plus it can allow you to give your body/skin a break from the UV exposure.  Too much UV radiation (yes it is a form of radiation) is harmful, damaging your skin, even causing pre-mature aging......and who wants that?!

Last year Texas passed some of the most restrictive tanning laws in the country, specifically for teens who tan.  Here in Montana, there are no regulations for tanning.  With an alarming growth in the number of skin cancer cases, and the fact that those cases are increasing in young females, and even resulting in unnecessary deaths, we at WestCoast Tanning Co. want to express our concern and let everyone know that they do have an alternative. 

Our custom spray tans are organic, with potent age fighting, skin firming and cell rejuvenation properties, loaded with Vitamins A & E – anti-oxidants, the exact same solution used by many Celebrities today!  Instead of damaging your skin, we fortify and nourish it. 

WestCoast Tanning Co. will not only fulfill your tanning needs we will  surpass your expectations!  In just 10 minutes you will have an instant tan and immediate, we can come to you with our mobile spray tanning service!  Visit our website and let us know what you think.  We look  forward to hearing from you soon!

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